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E15:oGFx is a tool to generate and explore 3D forms originating from 2D animations.

E15:oGFx, or simply oGFx, is an element of E15 -- a blanket descriptor for much of the work that took place in John Maeda's Physical Language Workshop between the years of 2007 and 2008 in the MIT Media Lab. E15:oGFx is, in fact, the first of such projects falling under the "E15" designation, and was developed by Kyle Buza and Luis Blackaller in the Summer of 2007.

The original motivation of E15:oGFx was to explore the set of 3D forms produced from procedurally generated 2D animations. E15:oGFx uses an embedded Python interpreter to provide a malleable programming interface for writing programs within it. By embedding a Python interpreter, we allow the user to update, modify, and interrogate the runtime state of the E15:oGFx program at any point during its execution. This is in contrast to the traditional "compile, run, debug, repeat" style of the majority of today's programming environments.

Like many of its livecoding siblings, E15:oGFx features solid support for user-defined GLSL-based shaders, as well as a mechanism for modifying shader parameters from within Python. We also take advantage of GPU-accelerated image manipulation through the use of Apple's CoreImage framework.